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4 Reasons to Embrace Orthodontic Care

Taking care of your teeth is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Your teeth provide you with the means to eat, communicate, and smile. Maintaining good oral health is the best way to avoid future complications down the line.

What is Orthodontic Care?

Orthodontics is a dental specialty focusing on the spacing, position, and alignment of teeth. While many people are familiar with orthodontists for recommending braces, there are a variety of different treatments available to help get your teeth in line.

  1. Orthodontics Can Improve How Your Teeth Function

    Sometimes teeth don’t grow the way they’re supposed to. You could be dealing with a severe underbite, overbite, or issues with crowding. An offset bite can lead to jaw pain and headaches over time. Beyond that, alignment issues could cause problems with speech, digestion, and overall oral health. An orthodontist is able to put an end to the tension and alleviate any resulting issues.

  2. It’s Not Just for Teenagers

    One of the largest benefits of receiving orthodontic care as an adult is having a better understanding of post-treatment maintenance and care. There have been great advancements to adult procedures. You don’t have to deal with the traditional look of braces anymore- you can opt for a more invisible if desired.

  3. The Results are Long-Lasting and Easy to Achieve

    There are a lot of misconceptions about the orthodontic industry. Modern treatments have come a long way from the metal braces you may be remembering. Advances in technology have made treatments smaller and more comfortable than ever before.Investing in orthodontic care isn’t something you have to repeat every five years. The results will last indefinitely if you maintain them through proper dental practices and retainers.

  4. It’s More Affordable Than Ever

    Orthodontic treatments are a one-time investment in your teeth that will give you a lifetime of incredible results. With the cost of orthodontic procedures typically being less than that of the dental procedures that could be required for the same issues once they become severe, you’ll have the opportunity to save money in the long run by having an orthodontist tackle an issue in its early stages.While consistent brushing and flossing are a great start, they aren’t always enough to protect your teeth. That is where an orthodontist will be able to help. Don’t wait to receive a comprehensive plan towards achieving a healthy smile for years to come.

Myth 2: Braces Are Only For Young Children

Truth: You aren’t alone and age can’t stand in your way of having the smile you deserve.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are plenty of adults that have had successful brace treatments– actually, over 1 million and that was up until 2014, Adult braces have become more and more popular even since then! The reason this myth came about is because when children’s adult teeth start coming in they are easier to move around and arrange as they are moving into place already and haven’t fully settled. While it is “easier” for kid’s teeth to be guided into a better spot, it isn’t impossible to move adult teeth around too. Now there are more options available to you to choose from so we have a higher success rate of helping you get the smile of your dreams.

Myth 3: The Cost Is Too High

Truth: Money can be used from a variety of different resources so the cost isn’t all out of pocket.

This is the most frustrating myth of all to those of us in the industry of oral health and care. Just because you have a couple more years on your teeth doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to have a healthy bite or straight teeth! Many insurances will help cover part of the costs for braces, all you have to do is give them a call and talk to them! Flexible Spending Accounts are another way people can help with the costs of treatment when the year starts to come to an end and just pay the difference in what’s left over after insurance and FSA’s have been utilized. It’s always a good idea to follow us on social media as well! There is always a chance that there will be a special savings or promotion on brace treatments.

Now that we’ve uncovered the truth about the top 3 myths (aka “excuses”) of getting braces, you can be well on your way to getting the smile you deserve without time, age, or money getting in your way.

We are thrilled that you’re looking into orthodontics and taking the time to educate yourself on what all is involved! Your mouth, whats in it, and how you take care for it actually play a major roll in your overall health and happiness. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule your complimentary consultation, please call (541) 348-6346.