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How to Celebrate Halloween with Braces

halloween candies
Halloween is next month and we don’t know about you but Sullivan Orthodontics is looking forward to it! It’s so much fun to dress up, see your friends costumes, and of course eat as much candy as possible. It’s okay to be a little down if you’re celebrating Halloween this year with braces. If you’re bummed because you can’t eat your usual go to candy, don’t fret, we can give you a little bit of insight on enjoying different candy that are brace friendly as well as the kind of candy to avoid.

First and foremost remember that everything is great in moderation. Eating any kind of candy in great excess can lead to build up, damage, and decalcification and more. Enjoy your candy over several days and not all in one sitting to make sure that both you and your teeth are happy campers. If you do find yourself enjoying copious amounts of candy during Halloween and have a bracket break or another orthodontic emergency it’s not the end of the world! We get it, accidents and emergencies happen. That’s when you call your local orthodontist, Sullivan Orthodontics so we can get you in and fix the issue!

Brace Approved Candy

  • Chocolate
  • Marshmallows
  • Rice Krispy Treats
  • Cookies
  • Peanut butter cups
  • Wafers

Non Brace Approved Candy

  • Hard candy
  • Chewy candy (taffy, caramel, etc.)
  • Gum
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Sour candy
Don’t miss out on your fun filled Halloween wallowing about the candy you can’t eat. Celebrate with friends and family by enjoying the candy you can eat and follow that up by brushing your teeth and flossing to hit those hard to reach spots. If you have any candy questions, orthodontic questions, or bracket care questions don’t hesitate to stop by Sullivan Orthodontics in Redmond or Bend for your orthodontist appointment or give us a call!